The radiator, placed in vehicle position, sustains 2500 temperature cycles described below, in the following conditions:
按照實際裝車方式安裝。持續2500次 溫度循環,下面介紹檢測條件。
· Radiator pre-conditioning during 2 hours at 20 °C
· All along the test, the radiator is submitted to an ambient air at 23 °C +/-5 °C (the air temperature sensor is located 10 cm +/-1 cm far from the radiator core)
· Coolant flow rate: Qomax /3
試驗介質冷卻液流量:Qomax /3(大約為70L/min)
· Air speed incoming on the core: zero while the core temperature is increasing. A cold air blowing is allowed while the core temperature is decreasing.
· The test mean provides a hot coolant circuit at 113 °C (B) and a cold coolant loop at 23 °C (A)
· The switch duration between warming phase and cooling phase and vice-versa has to be lower than 5 s.
· The material temperature of the radiator is measured on the extreme tubes of the core. The location of the material temperature sensors on the core has to be approved by PSA.
· The coolant temperature has to be measured at inlet and at outlet of the radiator.
· Dt1 and Dt2 are the durations necessary to get the material temperature variation required on the radiator.
· Definition of the convergence of material temperature: the difference (T°material – T°coolant) has to be between + or -2 °C for at least 10 s.